Using AppleScript to automate chorus repetition practice
Resources for second language acquisition
Since one of the cornerstones of my approach to learning the Russian language has been to track how many words I’ve learned and their frequencies, I was intrigued by reading the following statistics today:
The 15 most frequent words in the language account for 25% of all the words in typical texts. The first 100 words account for 60% of the words appearing in texts. 97% of the words one encounters in a ordinary text will be among the first 4000 most frequent words.
How to identify Russian letters in a string? The short answer is: [А-Яа-яЁё] but depending on your regex flavor, [\p{Cyrillic}] might work. What in the word does this regex mean? It’s just like [A-Za-z] with a twist. The Ёё at the end adds support for ё (“yo”) which is in the Latin group of characters.
See this question on Stack Overflow.