Recently I’ve been wondering how long it would take me to get to 1,000,000 reviews. Right now I’m sitting at between 800,000 and 900,000 reviews and for no other reason than pure ridiculous curiosity I was curious whether I could get SQLite to compute it directly for me. Turns out the answer is “yes, you can.”
CAUTION Before you run anything that accesses the Anki database outside of the Anki application itself, you absolutely should backup your database first.
While working on a project that requires querying the Anki database directly outside of the Anki desktop application, I encountered an interesting issue with sqlite3 collations. This is is just a short post about how I went about registering a collation in order to execute SQL queries against the Anki db.
CAUTION Before you run anything that accesses the Anki database, you absolutely should backup your database first.
Like many Anki users, I keep track of my streaks because it motivates me to do my reviews each day. But since life gets in the way sometimes, I may miss my reviews in one or more decks. It has been years since I’ve neglected to do all of my reviews; but sometimes I will forget to come back later in the day to finish up some of my decks. Since I like to have a clean review heatmap, I will “fix” my streak in a skipped deck.
As its name implies, the AwesomeTTS Anki add-on is awesome. It’s nearly indispensable for language learners.
You can use it in one of two ways:
Subscribe on your own to the text-to-speech services that you plan to use and add those credentials to AwesomeTTS. (à la carte) Subscribe to the AwesomeTTS+ service and gain access to these services. (prix fixe) Because I had already subscribed to Google and Azure TTS before AwesomeTTS+ came on the scene, there was no reason for me to pay for the comprehensive prix fixe option.
Most language learners are familiar with Forvo, a site that allows users to download and contribute pronunciations for words and phrases. For my Russian studies, I make daily use of the site. In fact, to facilitate my Anki card-making workflow, I am a paid user of the Forvo API. But that’s where the trouble started.
When the Forvo API works, it works OK, often extremely slow. But lately, it has been down more than up.
Recently, someone asked a question on r/Anki about changing and existing cloze-type note to a regular note. Part of the solution involves stripping the cloze markup from the existing cloze’d field. A cloze sentence has the form Play {{c1::studid}} games. or Play {{c1::stupid::pejorative adj}} games.
To handle both of these cases, the following regular expression will work. Just substitute for $1. {{c\d::([^:}]+)(?:::+[^}])}}
However, the Cloze Anything markup is different. It uses ( and ) instead of curly braces.
I make a lot of Anki cards, so I’m on a constant quest to make the process more efficient. Like a lot of language-learners, I use images on my cards where possible in order to make the word or sentence more memorable.
Process When I find an image online that I want to use on the card, I download it to ~/Documents/ankibound. A Hazel rule then grabs the image file and converts it to a .
Anki users are protective of their streak - the number of consecutive days they’ve done their reviews. Right now, for example, my streak is 621 days. So if you miss a day for whatever reason, not only do you have to deal with double the number of reviews, but you also deal with the emotional toll of having lost your streak.
You can lose your streak for one of several reasons.
Welcome to Part III of a deep dive into my Anki language learning decks. In Part I I covered the principles that guide how I setup my decks and the overall deck structure. In the lengthy Part II I delved into my vocabulary deck. In this installment, Part III, we’ll cover my sentence decks.
Principles First, sentences (and still larger units of language) should eventually take precedence in language study. What help is it to know the word for “tomato” in your L2, if you don’t know how to slice a tomato, how to eat a tomato, how to grow a tomato plant?
In Part I of my series on my Anki language-learning setup, I described the philosophy that informs my Anki setup and touched on the deck overview. Now I’ll tackle the largest and most complex deck(s), my vocabulary decks.
First some FAQ’s about my vocabulary deck:
Do you organize it as L1 → L2 or as L2 → L1, or both? Actually, it’s both and more. Keep reading. Do you have separate subdecks by language level, or source, or some other characteristic?