Generating HTML from Markdown in Anki fields

I write in Markdown because it’s much easier to keep the flow of writing going without taking my hands off the keyboard.

I also like to write content in Anki cards in Markdown. Over the years there have been various ways in of supporting this through add-ons:

  • The venerable Power Format Pack was great but no longer supports Anki 2.1, so it became useless.
  • Auto Markdown worked for a while but as of Anki version 2.1.41 does not.
  • After Auto Markdown stopped working, I installed the supposed fix Auto Markdown - fix version but that didn’t work either.
  • It’s possible that the Mini Format Pack will work, but honestly I’m tired of the constant break-fix-break-fix cycle with Anki.

The problem

The real problem with Markdown add-ons for Anki is the same as every other add-on. They are all hanging by a thread. Almost every minor point upgrade of Anki breaks at least one of my add-ons. It’s nearly impossible to determine in advance whether an Anki upgrade is going to break some key functionality that I rely on. And add-on developers, even prominent and prolific ones come and go when they get busy, distracted or disinterested. It’s one of the most frustrating parts of using Anki.

The solution

The broad solution to the break-fix-break cycle is to find solutions that don’t rely on the underlying codebase. In other words, where possible, I’ll code my own functionality and use GUI scripting either through AppleScript or Keyboard Maestro to accomplish what I need.

The only functionality I need is to allow me to write my own Markdown code in a note field, press a keystroke and have it render the Markdown to field HTML.

Install Python markdown module

It’s as simple as pip3 install markdown in the Terminal.

Keyboard Maestro macro

The strategy for the Keyboard Maestro macro is straightforward: Select the text → Copy the text → Render the Markdown to HTML → Paste the HTML code into the HTML field view → Close the HTML field view. The core of the macro is the Python script to generate HTML code from the Markdown. It’s nothing fancy.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import markdown
import os

md_text = os.environ['KMVAR_ruword']

You can access the entire macro Create Anki field markdown.kmmacros here.

Pre-processing Russian text for the AwesomeTTS add-on in Anki

The Anki add-on AwesomeTTS has been a vital tool for language learners using the Anki application on the desktop. It allows you to have elements of the card read aloud using text-to-speech capabilities. The new developer of the add-on has added a number of voice options, including the Microsoft Azure voices. The neural voices for Russian are quite good. But they have one major issue, syllabic stress marks that are sometimes seen in text intended for language learners cause the Microsoft Azure voices to grossly mispronounce the word.

For example, the sentence Цензу́ра потака́ет извращённому уму́ больше, чем сло́во из трёх букв само́ по себе. is incorrectly pronounced because it has stress marks and because the letter ë is correctly displayed. Apparently Microsoft Azure doesn’t like it when ë is correctly rendered.

Fortunately, there’s a text pre-processor built into the plugin. Here is how to use this pre-processor to change the text that’s fed to the TTS provider:

In the add-on configuration view, navigate to Text → Advanced and add two rules:

  1. The first rule basically just strips the Unicode accent grave character (U+0301) from any vowels.
  2. The second rule transliterates ë to e . Yes, it offends me to do this because they are two different letters in the Russian alphabet, but it appears that the models were trained on text written in the way that’s often encountered, unfortunately.

With those two rules in place, the pronounciations going to Microsoft Azure should be correct.

Factor analysis of failed language cards in Anki

After developing a rudimentary approach to detecting resistant language learning cards in Anki, I began teasing out individual factors. Once I was able to adjust the number of lapses for the age of the card, I could examine the effect of different factors on the difficulty score that I described previously. Findings Some of the interesting findings from this analysis: Prompt-answer direction - 62% of lapses were in the Russian → English (recognition) direction.

Refactoring Anki language cards

Regardless of how closely you adhere to the 20 rules for formating knowledge, there are cards that seem destined to leechdom. For me part of the problem is that with languages, straight-up vocabulary cards take words out of the rich context in which they exist in the wild. With my maturing collection of Russian decks, I recently started to go through these resistant cards and figure out why they are so difficult.

Parsing Russian Wiktionary content using XPath

As readers of this blog know, I’m an avid user of Anki to learn Russian. I have a number of sources for reference content that go onto my Anki cards. Notably, I use Wiktionary to get word definitions and the word with the proper syllabic stress marked. (This is an aid to pronunciation for Russian language learners.) Since I’m lazy to the core, I came up with a system way of grabbing the stress-marked word from the Wiktionary page using lxml and XPath.

Being grateful for those who push our buttons

We need people to push our buttons, otherwise how are we to know what buttons we have? Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Ten Percent Happier podcast, February 8, 2021 Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo is a Buddhist nun interviewed on the excellent Ten Percent Happier podcast. It’s always possible to reframe situations where someone “pushes our buttons” to see it as an opportunity to better understand that there are these buttons, these sensitivities that otherwise evade our awareness.

Directly setting an Anki card's interval in the sqlite3 database

It’s always best to let Anki set intervals according to its view of your performance on testing. That said, there are times when directly altering the interval makes sense. For example, to build out a complete representation of the entire Russian National Corpus, I’m forced to enter vocabulary terms that should be obvious to even elementary Russian learners but which aren’t yet in my nearly 24,000 card database. Therefore, I’m entering these cards gradually.

Where the power lies in 2021

From an article recently on the BBC Russian Service: Блокировка уходящего президента США в “Твиттере” и “Фейсбуке” привела к необычной ситуации: теоретически Трамп еще может начать ядерную войну, но не может написать твит. “Blocking the outgoing U.S. President from Twitter and Facebook has led to an unusual situation: theoretically Trump can still start a nuclear war, but cannot write a Tweet." In only a week, he won’t be able to do either.

More on integrating Hazel and DEVONthink

Since DEVONthink is my primary knowledge-management and repository tool on the macOS desktop, I constantly work with mechanisms for efficiently getting data into and out of it. I previously wrote about using Hazel and DEVONthink together. This post extends those ideas about and looks into options for preprocessing documents in Hazel before importing into DEVONthink as a way of sidestepping some of the limitations of Smart Rules in the latter. I’m going to work from a particular use-case to illustrate some of the options.

Undoing the Anki new card custom study limit

Recently I hit an extra digit when setting up a custom new card session and was stuck with hundreds of new cards to review. Desparate to fix this, I started poking around the Anki collection SQLite database, I found the collection data responsible for the extra cards. In the col table, find the newToday key and you’ll find the extra card count expressed as a negative integer. Just change that to zero and you’ll be good.