Urgent: I stand firmly against the fascist regime of U.S. President Donald Trump and his unelected master, Elon Musk.

Selected links

Just a few links that I occasionally read. The categorization is mine; YMMV.



  • kottke.org - Far ranging, interesting finds
  • Bactra.org - Notebooks are a wealth of knowledge
  • Brain pickings - Literary and other interesting writings sometimes
  • gwern.net - Erudite, systematic
  • Marginal Revolution - Wide-ranging commentary and analysis from economist, Tyler Cowen. I seldom agree with his positions.
  • Slate Star Codex - Evidence-based commentary on a range of subjects, often political.

natural language processing

  • Stanza - Stanza is a collection of accurate and efficient tools for many human languages in one place.
  • UDAR - UDAR Does Accented Russian: A finite-state morphological analyzer of Russian that handles stressed wordforms.
  • Universal features - Index of universal POS (UPOS) tags
  • Wikipedia NLP - Main article on natural language processing


Russian grammar


  • Barking up the wrong tree - Evidence-based self-improvement. Lighthearted and positive
  • James Clear - Doesn't write often now; but Clear writes well when he does. Habits.
  • Raptitude - Easily my favourite writer in this area. So observant of the life.

