
A new hexo deployer for Amazon web services

I recently migrated this and my other blog to Hexo which is a very fast static blogging framework built on node.js. As when I used Octopress, this blog is still hosted from an AWS S3 bucket. However the deployers that I tried with Hexo failed because of dependencies that were incompatible with the OS X version I was running. Not being a node.js expert, and having no time to delve into node.

Spotlight-searchable pinboard bookmarks

I use the excellent, dependable Pinboard service for managing my bookmarks. A one-time fee gives you lifetime access to the service; and there is an API that has fostered an ecosystem of desktop and mobile apps that interact with the service. Of course, Safari can synchronize bookmarks among devices; but it doesn’t allow tagging. Since tagging is a major part of my workflow, Safari bookmarks don’t work for me. So, here’s where pinboardspotlight.

Markdown anchors

TIL how to use anchors in Markdown documents. I needed to use this in a long blog post in my Octopress blog and was stymied. As usual, I found the answer on Stack Overflow. Beam me up, Scotty <a id="enterprise"></a> It’s a great way to move around in longer content. 2014-03-03: I no longer publish using Octopress; but this should work in most cases where Markdown is used. Bitbucket is a notable exception.