Accessing the Anki database with Python: Working with a specific deck

I previously wrote about accessing the Anki database using Python on mac OS. Extending that post, I’ll show how to work with a specific deck in this short post.

To use a named deck you’ll need its deck ID. Fortunately there’s a built-in method for finding a deck ID by name:

col = Collection(COLLECTION_PATH)
dID =

Now in queries against the cards and notes tables we can apply the deck ID to restrict them to a certain deck. For example, to find all of the cards currently in the learning stage:

query = """SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cards where type = 1 AND did = dID"""
learningCards = col.db.scalar(query)

print 'There are {:.5g} learning cards.'.format(learningCards)

And close the collection:


See also: